Story Capture Sessions

Stories are an essential part of a family’s heritage and legacy. Preserving them, is not only about recording events but mainly about safeguarding the rich tapestry of a family’s history, culture, values, and experiences

Personalised sessions designed to help you narrate and preserve your family’s unique stories. Through a step-by-step process, we work together with your photos, revealing the deep layers of memories they hold. These memories evolve into stories, providing the context needed to make your photographs profoundly meaningful for future generations.

It’s easy to keep putting it off, but one day it will be too late

When you're faced with hundreds, or probably even thousands of photographs and no clear starting point, it's no wonder that most people continually neglect to organise their photos and preserve their family stories.

Yet it is these very stories that enrich our lives with meaning. Our stories honour the legacy of our loved ones who have passed and help create emotional connections that transcend across generations.

Your stories matter. They need to be preserved.

Does this sound familiar?:

You are completely overwhelmed by the disordered state of your photographs, and you want to organise them in a meaningful way and preserve the stories they evoke.

✓ There are stories in your family that only you know, and you want to finally relieve yourself of this burden and get them recorded, so they can be shared and passed along through the generations.

You have a strong desire to capture your stories, but you have no idea where to start and keep putting it off.

You are seeking structure and a step-by-step process to embark on the journey, and ongoing motivation to actually complete the process.

I designed ‘Story Capture Sessions’ with you in mind!

And with a deep understanding of the transformative power of preserving our stories.

It’s not just about organising photographs, it’s about creating a sense of continuity and connection to the past.

Our stories help to keep memories of loved ones alive, offer insights into family dynamics, and create emotional connections among family members that transcend across generations.

Your family's stories are the threads that weave the narrative of your legacy, and I'm here to help you capture and honor them in a way that will resonate with your family for years to come.

‘Story Capture Sessions’ will not only enhance the richness and depth of your photos, but will also lead to a carefully curated collection. As very quickly, we weed out the photographs that don’t hold sentimental value or preservation signficiance.

Expert Guidance

I lead these sessions as a Certified Photo Manager with over a decade of experience of working in cultural heritage institutions up my sleeve – and most importantly, a great passion for helping individuals like you take charge of your family’s story and personal heritage and ensuring it’s preserved in the most meaningful and authentic way possible.

Tailored Experience

Every collection is unique - that's why we offer a personalised, one-to one approach that is tailored to your collection and your needs. We work together to create a plan that suits your schedule and aligns with your specific goals.

Stress-Free Process

We understand that life is busy, and you've probably had the burden of this task on your shoulders for a long time. We designed these sessions to be easy and engaging, so that you can actually enjoy the process - rather than it just being another stressful task to tick off your to-do list.

Step-by-Step Approach

The sheer volume of photos you possess can quickly become daunting. Our step-by-step approach eliminates the sense of overwhelm, offering you a structured path that guarantees success.

How it works

Starting Point: Initial Chat

We have a 30-minute chat via Zoom: We discover where you are currently at and the specific photographs you want to work with for the sessions.

We get crystal clear about the outcomes you want at the end of the process and develop a plan on how to proceed. I advise you on what to prepare for the three sessions that will enable you to produce a completed outcome.

Schedule your three x 2-hour sessions

During these guided sessions, we work with a specific group of your photographs, identifying those that hold sentimental value. With gentle prompts, I'll help you tap into the memories and stories tied to each image, all the while honouring your unique storytelling style.

Your Stories preserved

The result? Your family stories captured organically and effortlessly. Our conversations are recorded, and you'll receive both the recordings and the transcripts that we will draw on to inspire the written stories.

You’ll get to experience the relief of having a curated selectio of photographs and theassociated stories written down.

We can then transition to the next stage.

Next Steps:

Connect and Preserve

All those stories you’ve been storing in your mind, are now captured alongside a carefully curated photograph collection - this is so exciting!

The next steps involve connecting the stories to the photographs in a way that ensures they’ll forever remain intact.

Depending on your goals, I can help with:

  • Digitising any printed photographs, negatives and slides

  • Embedding your stories into the metadata of the digital photos

  • Crafting beautiful, timeless Photo Books that weave together the text and images, for a cherished family keepsake

  • Setting up a private online Family Gallery showcasing your photos alongside all the stories to be shared amongst your nearest and dearest

I’m ready to get started